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Project Design online

The Interiordesignonline is a high quality on-line platform created by internationally renowned Italian Design studios that give particular attention to ecological materials and breakthrough technologies to guarantee energy saving.
To keep very high standards in spite of the low costs is its strong point; to attract a wide range of customers, and be accessible to all social categories of people the aim.

The great italian’s architects and engineers B5 Srl

La Società di ingegneria B5 s.r.l., fondata nel 2005, ha sede in Napoli alla via S. Anna dei Lombardi, 16. I direttori tecnici sono Francesca BRANCACCIO, architetto e Ph.D.
in Storia dell’Architettura e dell’Urbanistica (Politecnico di Torino), e Ugo BRANCACCIO, ingegnere, entrambi specialisti in Restauro dei Monumenti (Scuola di Specializzazione dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli – Federico II). La società B5 s.r.l. ha al suo attivo progettazioni architettoniche e strutturali e Direzione dei Lavori in Italia e in Europa, con attenzione alle problematiche del restauro e dell’intervento in contesti storici,..   more..


The prestigious italian architects and engineers partnership firm DMP REST.COST. s.r.l.

DM&P Associates started its activity in July 2002, from the commitment and initiative of three professionals in order to offer engineering and architectural services in the technical/design sector and in the construction field in general adopting, both at the design and execution stage,, the most up-to-date technological innovations on the market, with particular attention to the issues of eco-sustainability, energy sources, the environment, maintenance and safety. The firm can boast significant experiences in designing works of civil, plant, and industrial engineering, in works of operational … more..



Recent Works

examples of achievements of our on-line service.

Colosseo e Città Ospedaliera di Avellino

Studio B5 Srl – Studio DM&P – Rest.Cost.

Palazzo nobiliare

Napoli, via depretis 88 – studio b5 srl  

Villa piromallo

Private house – studio b5 srl

studio b5 srl

studio b5 srl

Studio dmp associato/ rest.cost

Studio dmp associato/ rest.cost

studi dmp /rest.cost

Studio dmp associato/ rest.cost

Studio dmp associato/ rest.cost

Studio dmp associato/ rest.cost